
Department of Economics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Graduate Program:

Undergraduate Program:

Nolan G. Pope

Working Papers

Intergenerational Transmission of Lifespan in the US
Revise and Resubmit at American Economic Review.
With Sandra Black, Neil Duzett, Adriana Lleras-Muney, and Joseph Price.

Making Teaching Last: Long-Run Value-Added
Reject and Resubmit at American Economic Review.
With Michael Gilraine.

The Unintended Consequences of Merit-Based Teacher Selection: Evidence from Large-Scale Reform in Colombia
Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Public Economics.
With Matias Busso, Juan Sebastian Muñoz, and Sebastian Montaño.

The Value of a Higher ACT Exam Score
Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Human Resources.
With Kareem Haggag, Emily Leslie, and Devin Pope.

Divorce, Family Arrangement, and Children's Adult Outcomes
With Andrew Johnston and Maggie R. Jones.

It Takes Time: The Asymmetric Impacts of Imposing and Removing a Teacher Incentive
With Michael Gilraine and Uros Petronijevic.

Trying to Beat the Heat: The Academic Impact of Air Conditioning Installation
With Mrinmoyee Chatterjee.

Schedule-Driven Productivity: Evidence from Non-traditional School Calendars
Under review. With Taylor Landon.

Works in Progress

The Consequences of Multi-Dimensional Grade Inflation for Students
With Jeffery T. Denning, Rachel Nesbit, and Merrill Warnick.

Give Teachers a Break? Teacher Preparation Period and Student Outcomes
With Sebastian Montaño, Nathan Petek, and George Zuo.

The Role of Managers: Evidence from Military Leadership
With Luke Gallagher and Richard Patterson.

The Impact of COVID-19 on College Attendance and Federal Financial Support
With Yu Hung Yaow.

Published Papers

The Multidimensional Impact of Teachers on Student Outcomes
Journal of Political Economy (2023), 131(4): 1057-1107. With Nathan Petek.

Suspending Suspensions: The Education Production Consequences of School Suspension Policies
Economic Journal forthcoming. With George Zuo.

Timing Matters: Evidence from College Major Decisions
Journal of Human Resources forthcoming. With Richard W. Patterson and Aaron Feudo.
Press: Washington Post

Low-Touch Attempts to Improve Time Management among Traditional and Online College Students
Journal of Human Resources (2022), 57(1): 1-43. With Philip Oreopoulos, Richard W. Patterson, and Uros Petronijevic.
Press: Vox, Inside Higher Ed

Attribution Bias in Major Decisions: Evidence from the United States Military Academy
Journal of Public Economics (2021), 200: 1-25. With Kareem Haggag, Richard W. Patterson, and Aaron Feudo.
Press: NPR Morning Edition (Hidden Brain)

The Effect of Teacher Ratings on Teacher Performance
Journal of Public Economics (2019), 172: 84-110.
Press: Chalkbeat, Education Dive

Many Analysts, One Dataset: Making Transparent how Variations in Analytical Choices Affect Results
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (2018), 1(3): 337-356. With Silberzahn R., Uhlmann E.L., Martin D. P., Pope B., Nosek B.A., et al.

The Unintended Impact of Pretrial Detention on Case Outcomes: Evidence from NYC Arraignment
Journal of Law and Economics (2017), 60(3): 529-557. With Emily Leslie.

The Effects of DACAmentation: The Impact of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on Unauthorized Immigrants
Journal of Public Economics (2016), 143: 98-114.
Press: FiveThirtyEight, CATO Institute, The Hill, Phoenix New Times

How Time of Day Affects Productivity: Evidence from School Schedules
The Review of Economics and Statistics (2016), 98(1): 1-11.
Press: Education Week, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Journalist’s Resource

The Marginal Effect of K-12 English Language Development Programs: Evidence from Los Angeles Schools
Economics of Education Review (2016), 53: 311-328.

Own-Nationality Bias: Evidence from UEFA Champions League Football Referees
Economic Inquiry (2015), 53(2): 1292-1304. With Bryson Pope.

Note: All articles are the sole copyright of the respective publishers. Materials are provided for educational use only. Downloading of marterials constitutes an agreement that the materials are for personal use only.